Every Day Grace

Every Day Grace

It's been a month since my last post, and boy, has God shown up. I have bought and sold a house and am in the midst of moving in all that time. Unfortunately, I’ve been so busy with all the blessings He’s brought into my life that I’ve let my blog slip to the back burner. But today, as I was driving home and reflecting on all the incredible blessings He’s given me this past month, I thought... "Yeah, but what about His everyday grace?" I think we often get so caught up in the big blessings that we forget about the little things He does for us daily. What things, you might ask? He opens our eyes each morning as we stretch the kinks out of our muscles. He gives the birds a morning song for us to hear... the list could go on forever.

In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to overlook the small, everyday blessings that surround us. We often find ourselves searching for grand miracles, expecting God to show up in spectacular ways. But what if I told you that His grace is present in the simple moments, gently reminding us of His love and care?

The Subtlety of Everyday Miracles

The Bible reminds us that God’s grace isn't always about parting seas or moving mountains. Sometimes, it’s in the warmth of a sunrise, the laughter of a loved one, or the peace we feel in a quiet moment of prayer. In the book of Psalms, we find a beautiful reminder of this:

"The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth."
Psalm 145:18

This verse reassures us that God is close, always ready to extend His grace, even in the smallest details of our lives. We don’t need to wait for life-altering events to experience His presence. Every day, He offers us moments of peace, joy, and comfort—gifts that often go unnoticed.

Recognizing Grace in Daily Life

Have you ever felt a sudden sense of calm during a stressful day? Or received an unexpected kind word from a stranger? These seemingly small occurrences are reflections of God’s grace in our everyday lives. As it says in Lamentations:

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23

Every morning, we wake up to new mercies and the opportunity to experience God’s grace in fresh ways. It’s in the fresh air we breathe, the meals we share, and the love we give and receive.

Embracing the Little Things

In our journey with God, it's essential to cultivate an awareness of His presence in the little things. We can practice gratitude, thanking Him for the small blessings and recognizing them as His hand at work. The more we acknowledge these everyday miracles, the more we see His grace woven into the fabric of our daily lives.

In Matthew, Jesus talks about God’s care for the sparrows and how much more He cares for us:

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered."
Matthew 10:29-30

This scripture assures us that God’s grace is constant and personal. He cares for us in every detail, big or small.

Finding God’s Grace Today

As we go about our daily lives, let’s open our hearts to the subtle miracles around us. Whether it’s the beauty of a blooming flower, a kind gesture from a friend, or the simple joy of a peaceful evening, God’s grace is ever-present. Let’s cherish these moments and remember that every day, we are enveloped in His love and care.

May we find comfort in knowing that God’s grace is not just in the grand gestures but also in the everyday, ordinary moments. Let’s celebrate the “everyday grace” that God so generously bestows upon us, and let it fill our hearts with gratitude and joy.

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