Deliverance is Real: My Journey from Darkness to Freedom

Deliverance is Real: My Journey from Darkness to Freedom

When we think of deliverance, our minds might go to stories in the Bible of demons being cast out or addictions being broken. But deliverance is more than a dramatic event—it’s the freedom that comes when Jesus steps into the places of our deepest bondage and sets us free. The Bible tells us, "The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge" (Psalm 18:2). Whether we’re dealing with addiction, demonic oppression, or mental strongholds, God is able and willing to break every chain.

For a long time, I didn’t believe that full freedom was possible for me. I first heard voices when I was just seven years old. I kept it to myself, but I began to see and hear spirits that seemed to follow me wherever I went. I was terrified and had no idea what it meant. As I grew into my teenage years, I began to dabble in witchcraft—actually, there’s no such thing as "dabbling"—I was practicing witchcraft. I looked to the stars and signs for answers instead of looking to God. Something scared me away from it, but those spiritual influences stayed with me for a long time.

I’ve always believed in God, and I’ve always believed in Jesus. But because of my life experiences, I questioned if they were truly "good." Over time, I began to see how God was working through the hard things to shape me, and I tried to draw closer to Him. The problem was, I also loved the world and everything it had to offer. So, I became what some people call a "fence-sitter" or a "lukewarm Christian." I now believe that term is misleading. You’re either a follower of Christ, or you aren’t. The Bible is clear: "So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth" (Revelation 3:16).

I made the decision to be 100% committed to Christ, and my life began to change. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better. Still, that spiritual presence I had first encountered at seven was there. I could feel it lurking, trying to influence me, but I leaned on God to help me resist it. Recently, my family and I moved into a house next door to a pastor and his family. I began attending their church, which was filled with the Spirit of God.

One Sunday, I went to the altar to pray about a spirit of contention that had taken over my home. It was affecting even my pets—my dogs were fighting, and the cats were on edge. I asked God to remove it, no matter what it took. Little did I know that prayer would lead to a powerful deliverance. During that service, whatever had been following me for so long was cast out. The pastor and all the congregation prayed over me, and the Holy Spirit moved. I felt something leave, and in its place came a deep peace—a peace I had never known.

That was my moment of deliverance. It was a sanctifying experience, one I hadn’t fully believed in until it happened. But let me tell you: Deliverance is real. Addiction, demonic oppression, whatever holds you in chains—it can be broken today. God can take it all away, even if you feel so far gone that you can’t turn around. He’s right there, waiting for you to ask Him to take it all away. I have never felt so free.

Since then, I know I’ll still face struggles. But that demon that had its hooks in me for so long? It can no longer touch me. I’m free because I gave my will over to God. If you’re dealing with addiction, a spiritual stronghold, or even generational curses, God can set you free too. The Bible says, "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" (John 8:36).

Trust Him with everything. Lay it at His feet, and let Him work. The freedom and peace that follow are like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Don’t wait—God’s power to deliver is available to you today.
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Awesome testimony!


Love this testimony. I have hope I can break my addiction with God’s help.


Wow! That is powerful. So happy you are finally delivered and free!


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